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Thursday, 17 February 2011

i'm on my way to believing

it's one of Paramore's song yes it is.
but i'm not on my way to believing on someone.
i'm on my way to believing that i'm living in 2011.
not the beautiful 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. which those are the time i spent in junior high or secondary school.


i miss my family, NXD. i miss spending time with them.
studying with them with all of the tears, the laugh, the smile, segala macam sumpah serapah.
guru-guru yang gabut, yang bilang "KAY" lebih dari 100 kali selama 2 jam pelajaran. yang selalu urusan koperasi. yang punya "HAK VETO" hahahahah i just miss them :(

not that i hate high school that much.
high school actually nice. with all-girls friends. strict rules. old school hahah it's great.
but yeah not as great as NXD

mungkin gue emang belom merasakan betapa indahnya SMA seperti orang bilang. mungkin.
yaaaaa tapi gue berada dalam puncak ke-kangenan gue terhadap CRX, terhadap NXD apalagi.

mengingat masa cupaws kita yang gak kenal anak reguler hidup di dunia masing-masing (2007)

 mengenang masa KEJAYAAN kita, cabut sesuka hati, kaos kaki sependek mungkin, potong rok (2008-2009)

mengingat perjuangan kita menghadapi segala ujian, kabur bimbel, SSBC, CRAMSISCO, dan CIKOLE (2010)

there's no time better than the time i've spent with you :')

nothing comforts me better as NXD does :')
miss you guys.
you're the best thing that ever happened to me.

P.S :
yang foto 2007, yang di tengah sendiri, yang imut, yang pipinya kayak bakpao, dia loh sumber inspirasi dari muffin-ology :D

Monday, 14 February 2011


who said that the bigger pressure you have the stronger you'll be?
is it?
more tough, i guess?

i guess it's not.
know why?

just take a look at the food.
ribs. you know ribs?
the more you give it pressure the more it become softer, right?
ox tail also. have you eat it? ox tail soup?
it takes much time with a high pressure to make it softer.

so................. does high pressure make people stronger? more tough?
i'm asking that.
because i don't feel i'm getting stronger.