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Monday 31 August 2009

Need Some Inspiration

ih yampun gue mumet banget nih
tugas numpuk kayak apan tau yaolohhhhh
dialog interaktif lah, bank syariah, aduh pushink, belom lagi bikin lirik lagu ya Tuhan tolong
tapi gue kerjain yang sesuai mood dulu nih
bikin lirik lagu off course. hahahaa apalagi yang bikin semangat coba? masa bank syariah? bzzzzt
tadi gue mikir mikir temanya mau apan, mau cinta cinta ntar cengeng, hmm trus gue buka buka msn orang, fb akhirnya kutemukanlah sebuah inspirasi (sok bener gue).

hanya waktu yg ga bisa dihentikan, hanya waktu yg g bsa diuputar.. andai gw bisa memutar waktuu, banyak bgt yg mw gw rubah!!
cie hahaha pmnya ramos gue colong. haha makasih ya mos. PM lo sumber inspirasi. apa coba gue ckck. terus gue inget lagunya sherina. look everything closer then you can judge wisely (kira kira gitu translatenya). haha jadi lagu gue (cie gayanya lagu gue) tentang gini nih. jadi waktu itu emang gabisa dihentikan, ga bisa diputer. nah daripada lo nyesel kayak ramos, mending lo diem sejenak, terus lo pikirin semuanya, lihat lebih dekat terus nilai lebih bijaksana. ntar lo tau deh akar dari masalahnya dan cara penyelesaiannya (najong dah gue) kira kira gini liriknya

your heart isn't the place for hurt
your heart isn't the place for angry
don't let your hurt control you
just let your happy face
smiling to everybody

yeah, let it flow
follow the rhythm
follow what God's want
enjoy what God's give to you
happiness, sadness, even your problem
God blessed you with those things

but remember your live just once
don't choose the wrong way
'cause you can't turn the time back
and just disappointed at the end
don't mad don't angry
'cause your cheerful heart makes everything better

reff : then, look everything closer and closer
you'll understand which is God's way
face the problem wisely
hard at the beginning than you'll smile at the end
cause that what God's want
cause you choose the right way to live

hihih masih berantakan banget sumpah. pengen dibikin versi bahasa indonesianya. cuma belom ketemu kata yang bagus. kepanjangan jadinya. hahaha. HELP ME FIXED THIS LYRICS GUYS. SAYA BUTUH OPINI DAN SARAN ANDA! TERUTAMA JUDUL DARI LAGU YANG AMBIGU ITU :P

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